Artiste: Mavado
Title: Laugh And Gwan
Genre: Dancehall | Reggae
English A
Choose the ONE underlined part A, B or C that is inappropriate. If the sentence is acceptable as it stands, choose D.
Had they not been forewarned, they might have joined the queue, not knowing that gas was not on sale at that station.
The alkane compound with seven carbon atoms is:
Results: (%)
0 Correct | 0 Wrong
0 Answered
Mavado - Clean
Mavado - Legacy (Raw)
Mavado - Legacy (Clean)
Mavado - Legacy
Mavado - Enemy Line (Raw)
Mavado - Enemy Line (Clean)
Mavado - Enemy Line
Mavado - On My Mind (Raw)
Mavado - On My Mind (Clean)
Mavado - On My Mind
Mavado - Life (Raw)
Mavado - Life (Clean)
Mavado - Artillery (Raw)
Mavado - Artillery (Clean)
Mavado - Life
Mavado - Artillery
Mavado - Truest Thoughts (Raw)
Mavado - Truest Thoughts (Clean)
Mavado - Truest Thoughts
Mavado - Top Shotta Is Back