Artiste: Takeova
Title: Alien Mode (Clean)
Genre: Dancehall | Reggae
A ripple travels over the surface of some water. Its wavelength is 2 m, its amplitude is 0.1 m and its frequency is 0.5 Hz.The speed of the ripple is:
The nucleus of a carbon atom has six protons and eight neutrons.Which one of the following describes it?

Results: (%)
0 Correct | 0 Wrong
0 Answered
Takeova - Success Prayer
Takeova - Alien Mode
Takeova - Success Prayer
Takeova - No Obligation (Raw)
Takeova - No Obligation (Clean)
Takeova, Slippery Skeemaz - Immortal
Takeova, Laden - High Life
Takeova - N Credible (Raw)
Takeova - N Credible (Clean)
Takeova - 25
Takeova - Self Dependent
Takeova - Mood
Takeova - Phone Card
Takeova - Spirit
Takeova, J Sector - Prototype
Takeova - No Shame
Takeova - Energy
Takeova - Get The Power
Takeova X Teear Dropz - Fast Food
Takeova - Rum Talk