Artiste: Takeova
Title: Rich Lifestyle
Genre: Dancehall | Reggae
English A
Instructions: Choose the one NEAREST in MEANING to the original sentence.
No right thinking person who has lived in this country will fail to understand my disgust at noise.
The expansion of (x - 2)2 is
Results: (%)
0 Correct | 0 Wrong
0 Answered
Takeova - Success Prayer
Takeova - Alien Mode
Takeova - Success Prayer
Takeova - No Obligation (Raw)
Takeova - No Obligation (Clean)
Takeova, Slippery Skeemaz - Immortal
Takeova, Laden - High Life
Takeova - N Credible (Raw)
Takeova - N Credible (Clean)
Takeova - 25
Takeova - Self Dependent
Takeova - Mood
Takeova - Phone Card
Takeova - Spirit
Takeova, J Sector - Prototype
Takeova - No Shame
Takeova - Energy
Takeova - Get The Power
Takeova X Teear Dropz - Fast Food
Takeova - Rum Talk