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Artiste: Govana & Xtassi
Title: That Mi Like Hear
Genre: Dancehall | Reggae
Principles Of Accounts

A trader received an invoice for $4,000 less 25% trade discount. Subsequently he returned one eighth of the goods. What amount would be entered in his Returns Outwards Account?


The marked price of a bicycle was $260. A man bought the bicycle on hire-purchase by making a down payment of $100, and twelve monthly payments of $16 each. How much could he have saved if he had bought the bicycle for the marked price?

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0 Correct | 0 Wrong
0 Answered
Govana - Strike Force
Govana & Xtassi - That Mi Like Hear
Govana & Xtassi - That Mi Like Hear (Clean)
Govana - That Mi Like Hear Ft. Xtassi
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Govana - Likkle Bit A Money (Clean)
Govana - Likkle Bit A Money
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Govana - Hamants Convo 2 (Clean)
Govana - Hamants Convo Pt2
Govana - Mental Slavery
Govana - Problem (Raw)
Govana - Problem (Instrumental)
Govana - Problem (Clean)
Govana - Problem
Govana - Hamants Convo
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Govana - Sleep
Govana - I Really
Govana - Protection
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